Really appreciate the article. Based on my experience with psychoactive plant medicines, including San Pedro cactus, I believe these plants allow our brains to take in more and/or an altered version of our reality that our minds cannot process in a non-psychedelic induced state. When peoples hundreds of thousands of years ago started ingesting these plants, over time our brains chemical makeup evolved to deliver the "reality" we all live in today. Who knows, but fun to think about. Thanks again!

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Hey James thanks so much for the kind words, the evolution of how we have come to perceive reality in the way that we do is truly fascinating. I must recommend to you the article titled "Psychedelics, Sociality, and Human Evolution" by Rodríguez Arce and Winkelman (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.729425). This is one of the most interesting, in depth theories on how psychedelics could have impacted the evolution of human sociality and cognition. A worthwhile follow up to this article!

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Ok great, I'll check it out. Thanks, Tyler!

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