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My name is Tyler, I have a Ph.D. in Animal Behavior, and I really enjoy teaching science. I am also a technical specialist at an esteemed psychedelic intellectual property law firm, where my job is to know a lot and write a lot about the cutting edge of psychedelic innovation.

I also believe psychedelics can improve the world if their widespread availability is paired with widespread availability of knowledge about what they are, how they work, and where they can take us.

Psychedelic researchers, both above and below ground, continue to build an immense knowledge base about these molecules. Thus, a steep learning curve awaits those who seek insights into this sector.

I am here to extract, purify, and deliver incredibly pure information on psychedelic science, research, and industry so you can make educated choices in using, supporting, and/or investing in psychedelics.

I welcome you to The Tab.

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The Syllabus

🍎 Once a month (and sometimes more), you will receive a lesson.

  • Most of the time, it will be a breakdown of a rad psychedelic research paper, like this one.

  • Sometimes though, it will be a scrumptious foray into a fundamental or a niche topic related to psychedelics.

⚗️ I try to curate some good finds from around the psychosphere whether it be hot takes, upcoming events, must-reads, etc. Oh and always some tunes for your next flow state.

🙋🏾 24/7 I will be taking questions. Reach out to me with any questions you have related to psychedelic science, new research, industry, etc.

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Fundamentals of psychedelic science, research, and industry on The Tab.


I write The Tab Psychedelic Science Newsletter 🍄